FAIR TRADE GROUP USA ® is a registered service mark with Serial# 87481538 and Registration # 5460982 featuring our brands FTG USA ®
Power Tool Accessories made for Professionals
in demand for High Performance,
Professional Grade, and Durability on the Job
The owner of the FTG USA ® mark is listed as
Fair Trade Group USA LLC.
US Patent and Trademark Office has assigned
FTG USA ® Trademark in Principal Register
Serial # 87511656
and Registration # 5455126
We don't want to be the only brand you use.
We want to be your Favorite brand.
The owner of the FTG MAXIMUM TORQUE ® mark is listed as Fair Trade Group USA LLC.
US Patent and Trademark Office has assigned
FTG MAXIMUM TORQUE ® Trademark in Principal Register Serial #88391213
and Registration # 5928875
FTG USA Logo is Always Laser Printed on FTG USA® Original Products
Please visit our FTG USA® Countersink Store on Amazon